Wednesday, February 14, 2007

About Cambridge Who's Who

There has been some question as to “Why create a Blog called Cambridge Who’s Who News?"

Cambridge Who’s Who News” is a great way to give back to the community.

In this blog we have the opportunity to share the success stories of many accomplished individuals. Our community of networking individuals has a wealth experience and information to share. It is an honor and privilege to be associated with each and every member of Cambridge Who’s Who. My only regret, I can not share with you, our entire community.

There is a second mission of Cambridge Who’s Who News which gives me great joy. There are many individuals that do not have the same opportunities that many of us take for granted. They have a strength and determination to succeed in life and make this world a better place. These individuals have been sponsored by Cambridge Who’s Who, our hopes is that through our Who’s Who Network and the networking community we can help them raise money or get the message about their life’s mission.

Probably the most important reason, Cambridge Who's Who is dedicating Who’s Who News and About Cambridge Who's Who to the membership and staff. About Cambridge Who's Who is a means of communication for both members and our staff to exchange ideas and promote growth.

“Who is the Cambridge Who’s Who Community?”

The answer is simple, Cambridge Who’s Who is a group of 75,000 Executives, Professional and Entrepreneurs and Accomplished Individuals.

Why do people join our growing community of Who’s Who Members?

The mission of Cambridge Who’s Who is to ensure that members receive recognition, support and credibility to advance their careers. Cambridge Who’s Who is also committed to delivering the highest quality networking resource for job recruitment, career enhancement and new business development.

Cambridge Who’s Who members have exclusive access to the biographical information of more than 75,000 successful executives, professionals and entrepreneurs at, where they use the database to share information, knowledge and services. Communications via the Cambridge Who’s Who Registry travels in two directions, enabling Cambridge Who’s Who members to reach out when they have a business need or opportunity as well as receive information on exciting new ventures.

Each individual, from the college student to the top executive and everyone in between has their own specific reason that varies widely. Cambridge Who’s Who tells a story about each individual in our biographical directory. There are many members that are here for an opportunity to Network. Access to our directory empowers Who’s Who Members to find new leads, generate additional revenue and connect with individuals in their own field.

Cambridge Who’s Who Vision for the Future

There are so many exciting new ventures on the horizon. We are rebuilding our website! We have been listening to the needs of the Cambridge Who’s Who Community. The new website database will have stronger, enhanced search engine. At the same time we will be adding many new features that will give our Members added value, and a means to promote products and services.